Populate a Data Bound TreeView in .Net using C#
Studio 2008 offers some out-of-the-box features that we can easily create a
Treeview control in the form designer without writing much code. However if we
need to (Most of time I believe we do) programmatically populate a Treeview
menu, particularly if we want to populate a Treeview based on a database table,
this does require some codes. In this demo, I am demonstrating how we can
populate a Treeview control with database tables. The backend database is
Oracle 10g R2,
I use the
employee table under HR schema. It shouldn’t matter which database you are
using, as long as your table or view in hierarchy structure, for instance like:
100 Steven
101 Neena 100
102 Lex 100
103 Alexander 102
104 Bruce 103
105 David 103
106 Valli 103
107 Diana 103
108 Nancy 101
- Firstly in the form designer, we drag a Treeview control and make it dock
- Drag a Splitter control to the right hand side of the form and make it dock
left as shown below.
- Drag a Panel control to the right hand side and make it dock top.
- Drag a Splitter control to the bottom right and make it dock top.
- Drag a third Panel to the bottom right and make it fill the rest of the
screen as shown below.
- To populate the TreeViewNode, I am using a recursive function. The tag
property is used to store the level of the hierarchy.
using System; using System.Data; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.OracleClient;
namespace TreeViewDemo { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } DataSet dsTreeView = new DataSet(); private DataSet PopulateDataTable() { string connectionString = "Data Source=orcl;Persist Security Info=True; " + "User ID=hr;Password=hr;Unicode=True"; string queryString = "select * from employees"; OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString); OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(queryString, connection); OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(command); try { connection.Open(); if (!dsTreeView.Tables.Contains("emp")) dsTreeView.Tables.Add("emp"); da.Fill(dsTreeView, "emp"); } catch (OracleException oex) { throw new Exception(oex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } return dsTreeView; } int intLevel = 0; public void FillChildren(TreeNode _Parent, int _ParentID) { intLevel++; DataView Data = new DataView(dsTreeView.Tables["emp"]); Data.RowFilter = "manager_id = " + _ParentID; if (Data.Count == 0) { _Parent.ImageIndex = 2; _Parent.SelectedImageIndex = 2; } foreach (System.Data.DataRowView foo in Data) { TreeNode t = BuildNode((string)foo["last_name"]); t.Tag = intLevel; FillChildren(t, int.Parse(foo["employee_id"].ToString())); _Parent.Nodes.Add(t); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Added node at level " + intLevel.ToString()); } intLevel--; } private TreeNode BuildNode(string Text) { return new TreeNode(Text); } private void LoadMenuTreeView() { PopulateDataTable(); DataView Data = new DataView(dsTreeView.Tables["emp"]); Data.RowFilter = "manager_id is null "; foreach (System.Data.DataRowView foo in Data) { TreeNode t = BuildNode((string)foo["last_name"]); t.Tag = 0; FillChildren(t, int.Parse(foo["employee_id"].ToString())); this.treeView1.Nodes.Add(t); } this.treeView1.ImageList = this.imageList1; } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadMenuTreeView(); } private void treeView1_AfterExpand(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { e.Node.ImageIndex = 1; } private void treeView1_AfterCollapse(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { e.Node.ImageIndex = 0; } } }
Run the application, we will see a data bound treeview as shown below.