failure in getting date/time
при получении даты/времени.
Причина: Во время создания базы данных или изменения табличного
пронстранства произошла ошибка при получении даты/времени.
Действия: Обратитесь к вашему представителю службы поддержки.
базы данных не удалось.
Причина: Ошибка произошло во время создания базы данных
Действия: Смотрите сопровождающие сообщения об ошибках.
ORA-01502: index 'string.string' or partition of
such index is in unusable state
Индекс ‘имя
индекса’ или раздел этого индекса находится в нерабочем состоянии.
Была предпринята попытка получить доступ к индексу
или разделу индекса, который был
отмечен непригодным для прямой
нагрузки или DDL операции.
Действия: Удалите или восстоновите
данный индекс, или восстоновите непригодный раздел индекса.
Не удалось создать
произошло во время создания CONTROLFILE.
Действия: Смотрите сопровождающие сообщения об ошибках.
ORA-01504: database
name 'string' does not match
parameter db_name 'string'
Название базы
данных ‘строка’ не соотвествует параметру db_name ‘строка’.
Причина: Название при создании или монтировании(mount) базы данных не соотвествует
названию параметра db_name в INIT.ORA файле.
Действия: Исправьте или оставьте один из двух названий.
error in adding log files
при добовлении log файлов.
Причина: Во время создания(create) или изменения(alter) базы данных
произошла ошибка при
добавлении нового log файла.
Действия: Проверьте стек ошибок для детальной информации.
ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name
или неправильное название базы данных..
Причина: Не задан db_name параметр в INIT.ORA..
Действия: Задайте название базы данных в параметре db_name в INIT.ORA.
ORA-01507: database
not mounted
Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be
Action: If you are using the ALTER DATABASE statement via the
SQLDBA startup command, specify the MOUNT option to startup; else if you are
directly doing an ALTER DATABASE DISMOUNT, do nothing; else specify the MOUNT
option to ALTER DATABASE. If you are doing a backup or copy, you must first
mount the desired database. If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, you must
first mount the desired database.
ORA-01508: cannot
create database; error in file 'string'
at line string
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was unable to process the specified file.
Action: Check the offending line in the specified file.
ORA-01509: specified name
'string' does not match
actual 'string'
Cause: The database name specified in ALTER DATABASE does not
match the name of the currently mounted database.
Action: Correct the database name spelling or DISMOUNT the
mounted database.
error in deleting log files
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE, an error occurred while dropping
log files.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.
ORA-01511: error in
renaming log/data files
Cause: An error occurred during the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.
ORA-01512: error
renaming log file string -
new file string not
Cause: An attempt to change a log file's name in the control
file failed because no file was found with the new name.
Action: Make sure that the log file has been properly renamed by
the operating system and retry.
invalid current time returned by operating system
Cause: The operating system returned a time that was not between
1988 and 2121.
Action: Correct the time kept by the operating system.
ORA-01514: error in log specification: no
such log
Cause: A log file name, or list of member names, did not
correspond to an existing log.
Action: Specify an existing log file.
ORA-01515: error
dropping log group string: no such log
Cause: ALTER DATABASE is attempting to drop a log file which is
not known to the database control file.
Action: Specify the name of an existing log file.
nonexistent log file, datafile, or tempfile "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to use ALTER DATABASE to rename a log
file, datafile, or tempfile; or to change attributes of a datafile or
tempfile (e.g., resize, autoextend, online/offline, etc.); or to re-create a
datafile. The attempt failed because the specified file is not known to the
database's control file or is not of a type supported by the request.
Action: Specify the name or number of an existing file of the
correct type, as appropriate. Check the relevant V$ table for a list of
possible files.
log member: 'string'
Cause: Used to print member names
Action: See top level error for information
ORA-01518: CREATE DATABASE must specify more
than one log file
Cause: Only one log file was specified in the CREATE DATABASE
Action: Specify at least two log files.
ORA-01519: error
while processing file 'string'
near line string
Cause: CREATE DATABASE encountered a problem while processing
specified file. The specified file is bad.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-01520: number of
data files to add (string)
exceeds limit of string
Cause: CREATE TABLESPACE statement specifies more files than is
permitted for this database.
Action: Use fewer files or re-create the database with a larger
ORA-01521: error in
adding data files
Cause: During CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, an error was detected
while adding data files.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.
ORA-01522: file 'string' to be renamed does
not exist
Cause: During ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, a file to be renamed was
not found in the database control file.
Action: Specify the correct file name.
ORA-01523: cannot
rename data file to 'string'
- file already part of database
the new name of a file is already present in the control file.
Action: Rename the file to a name not already being used as part
of the database.
ORA-01524: cannot
create data file as 'string'
- file already part of database
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE, the new name of a
file is already present in the control file.
Action: Create the file as a name not already being used as part
of the database.
ORA-01525: error in
renaming data files
Cause: An error occurred when renaming files as part of ALTER
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information. All files
are renamed except for those mentioned in the error stack.
ORA-01526: error in
opening file 'string'
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was not able to open the specified file.
This is probably due to a system installation error.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-01527: error
while reading file
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was not able to read the specified file.
This is probably due to a system installation error.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-01528: EOF while
processing SQL statement
Cause: CREATE DATABASE unexpectedly hit EOF while reading the
specified file. The sql.bsq file is bad.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-01529: error
closing file 'string'
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was not able to close the specified file.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your
customer support representative.
ORA-01530: a database
already mounted by the instance
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE MOUNT, an attempt is being made to
mount a database on an instance in which a database is or has previously been
Action: If you wish to mount the database, shutdown the instance
and then startup the instance and retry the operation.
ORA-01531: a database
already open by the instance
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE, an attempt was made to open a
database on an instance for which there is already an open database.
Action: If you wish to open a new database on the instance, first
shutdown the instance and then startup the instance and retry the operation.
ORA-01532: cannot
create database; instance being started elsewhere
Cause: During CREATE DATABASE, another user appears to be
simultaneously altering the instance.
Action: Make sure no one else is simultaneously altering the
instance. If no one is, contact your customer support representative;
otherwise, retry the operation.
ORA-01533: cannot
rename file 'string';
file does not belong to tablespace
Cause: During ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, a file to be renamed was
not found in the argument tablespace.
Action: Specify the correct file name or the correct tablespace
ORA-01534: rollback
segment 'string'
doesn't exist
Cause: During ALTER or DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT, the specified
rollback segment name is unknown.
Action: Use the correct rollback segment name.
ORA-01535: rollback
segment 'string'
already exists or given name has prefix _SYSSMU
Cause: Specified rollback segment already exists or given name
starts with _SYSSMU.
Action: Use a different name. Note that _SYSSMU is an illegal
prefix to an RBU segment.
ORA-01536: space
quota exceeded for tablespace 'string'
Cause: The space quota for the segment owner in the tablespace
has been exhausted and the operation attempted the creation of a new segment
extent in the tablespace.
Action: Either drop unnecessary objects in the tablespace to
reclaim space or have a privileged user increase the quota on this tablespace
for the segment owner.
ORA-01537: cannot add
file 'string' - file already part
of database
Cause: During CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, a file being added is
already part of the database.
Action: Use a different file name.
ORA-01538: failed to
acquire any rollback segment
Cause: Failed to acquire any rollback segment during startup in
shared mode
Action: Startup in exclusive mode to create one more public
segment or specify available private segments in the INIT.ORA parameter
rollback_segments_required, then startup in shared mode
ORA-01539: tablespace
'string' is not online
Cause: Failed to either make a tablespace read only or offline
because it is not online. A tblespace must be online before it can become
read only or offline normal.
Action: Check the status of the tablespace. Use IMMEDIATE or
TEMPORARY options to force all files offline. Bring the tablespace online
before making it read only.
ORA-01540: tablespace
'string' is not offline
Cause: Failed to bring a tablespace online because it is not
Action: Check the status of the tablespace
ORA-01541: system
tablespace cannot be brought offline; shut down if necessary
Cause: Tried to bring system tablespace offline
Action: Shutdown if necessary to do recovery
ORA-01542: tablespace
'string' is offline, cannot
allocate space in it
Cause: Tried to allocate space in an offline tablespace
Action: Bring the tablespace online or create the object in other
ORA-01543: tablespace
'string' already exists
Cause: Tried to create a tablespace which already exists
Action: Use a different name for the new tablespace
ORA-01544: cannot
drop system rollback segment
Cause: Tried to drop system rollback segment
Action: None
ORA-01545: rollback
segment 'string'
specified not available
Cause: Either: 1) An attempt was made to bring a rollback
segment online that is unavailable during startup; for example, the rollback
segment is in an offline tablespace. 2) An attempt was made to bring a
rollback segment online that is already online. This is because the rollback
segment is specified twice in the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter in the
initialization parameter file or the rollback segment is already online by
another instance. 3) An attempt was made to drop a rollback segment that is
currently online. 4) An attempt was made to alter a rollback segment that is
currently online to use unlimited extents. 5) An attempt was made to online a
rollback segment that is corrupted. This is because the rollback is specified
in _corrupted_rollback_segments parameter in initialization parameter file.
Action: Either: 1) Make the rollback segment available; for
example, bring an offline tablespace online. 2) Remove the name from the
ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter if the name is a duplicate or if another instance
has already acquired the rollback segment. 3) Bring the rollback segment
offline first. This may involve waiting for the active transactions to finish,
or, if the rollback segment needs recovery, discover which errors are holding
up the rolling back of the transactions and take appropriate actions. 4) Same
as 3). 5) Remove the name from the _corrupted_rollback_segments parameter.
ORA-01546: tablespace
contains active rollback segment 'string'
Cause: Tried to make a tablespace that contains active rollback
segment(s) offline or read only
Action: Shutdown instances that use the active rollback segments
in the tablespace and then make the tablespace offline or read only
ORA-01547: warning:
RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
Cause: Media recovery with one of the incomplete recovery
options ended without error. However, if the ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS
command were attempted now, it would fail with the specified error. The most
likely cause of this error is forgetting to restore one or more datafiles
from a sufficiently old backup before executing the incomplete recovery.
Action: Rerun the incomplete media recovery using different
datafile backups, a different control file, or different stop criteria.
ORA-01548: active
rollback segment 'string'
found, terminate dropping tablespace
Cause: Tried to drop a tablespace that contains active rollback
Action: Shutdown instances that use the active rollback segments
in the tablespace and then dropthe tablespace
ORA-01549: tablespace not empty, use INCLUDING CONTENTS option
Cause: Tried to drop a non-empty tablespace
Action: To drop all the objects in the tablespace, use the INCLUDING
ORA-01550: cannot
drop system tablespace
Cause: Tried to drop system tablespace
Action: None
ORA-01551: extended
rollback segment, pinned blocks released
Cause: Doing recursive extent of rollback segment, trapped
internally by the system
Action: None
ORA-01552: cannot use
system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'string'
Cause: Tried to use the system rollback segment for operations
involving non-system tablespace. Ifthis is a clone database then this will
happen when attempting any data modification outside of the system
tablespace. Only the system rollback segment can be online in a clone
Action: Create one or more private/public segment(s), shutdown
and then startup again. May need to modify the INIT.ORA parameter
rollback_segments to acquire private rollback segment. If this is a clone
database being used for tablspace point in time recovery then this operation
is not allowed. If the non-system tablespace has AUTO segment space
management, then create an undo tablespace.
ORA-01553: MAXEXTENTS must be no smaller than the string extents
currently allocated
Cause: The number of extents allocated is greater than the
MAXEXTENTS specified.
Action: Specify a larger MAXEXTENTS value.
ORA-01554: out of
transaction slots in transaction tables
Cause: Too many concurrent transactions
Action: Shutdown the system, modify the INIT.ORA parameters
transactions, rollback_segments or rollback_segments_required, then startup
ORA-01555: snapshot
too old: rollback segment number string with name "string" too small
Cause: rollback records needed by a reader for consistent read
are overwritten by other writers
Action: If in Automatic Undo Management mode, increase
undo_retention setting. Otherwise, use larger rollback segments
for rollback segment must be greater than 1
Cause: Specified MINEXTENTS of less than 2 for rollback segment
Action: Specify larger MINEXTENTS
ORA-01557: rollback
segment extents must be at least string blocks
Cause: Specified extent of less than minimum size for rollback
Action: Specify larger extents
ORA-01558: out of
transaction ID's in rollback segment string
Cause: All the available transaction id's have been used
Action: Shutdown the instance and restart using other rollback
segment(s), then drop the rollback segment that has no more transaction id's.
for rollback segment must be greater than 1
Cause: Specified MAXEXTENTS of less than 2 for rollback segment
Action: Specify larger MAXEXTENTS
ORA-01560: LIKE
pattern contains partial or illegal character
Cause: like pattern is not formed correctly
Action: make sure like pattern is specified correctly
ORA-01561: failed to
remove all objects in the tablespace specified
Cause: Failed to remove all objects when dropping a tablespace
Action: Retry the drop tablespace until all objects are dropped
ORA-01562: failed to
extend rollback segment number string
Cause: Failure occurred when trying to extend rollback segment
Action: This is normally followed by another error message that
caused the failure. You may take the rollback segment offline to perform
maintainence. Use the alter rollback segment offline command to take the
rollback segment offline.
ORA-01563: rollback
segment is PUBLIC, need to use the keyword PUBLIC
Cause: Did not use the keyword PUBLIC to identified public
rollback segment
Action: Use the keyword PUBLIC when identifying public rollback
ORA-01564: rollback
segment is not PUBLIC
Cause: The rollback segment segment identified is not public
Action: Do not use the keyword PUBLIC when identifying private
rollback segment
ORA-01565: error in
identifying file 'string'
Cause: An error occurred while trying to identify a file.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information.
ORA-01566: file
specified more than once in ALTER DATABASE
Cause: The list of files supplied to the command contained at
least one duplicate.
Action: Remove the duplicate file specification and retry.
ORA-01567: dropping
log string would
leave less than 2 log files for instance string (thread string)
Cause: Dropping all the logs specified would leave fewer than
the required two log files per enabled thread.
Action: Either drop fewer logs or disable the thread before deleting
the logs. It may be possible to clear the log rather than drop it.
ORA-01568: cannot set
space quota on PUBLIC
Cause: Trying to set space quota on a tablespace for PUBLIC.
Action: If trying to grant system-wide or tablespace-wide space
priviledges to all users, use GRANT RESOURCE [ON <tablespace>] TO
ORA-01569: data file
too small for system dictionary tables
Cause: The datafile specified during creation of the database is
too small to hold the system dictionary tables.
Action: Recreate the database by specifying a larger file or more
must be no larger than the string extents currently
Cause: The number of extents allocated is smaller than the
MINEXTENTS specified.
Action: Specify a smaller MINEXTENTS value.
ORA-01571: redo
version string incompatible
with ORACLE version string
Cause: This software version can not read the current redo logs,
and either crash recovery is required or there are offline database files
that need media recovery. If a file name is listed then it needs media
Action: Shutdown and startup using the compatible software. Do
any required media recovery, andopen the database. Shutdown and then startup
using current software. If the file is going to be dropped then take it offline
with the DROP option to skip this check.
ORA-01572: rollback segment 'string' cannot be brought online, string extents
Cause: The number of extents in the rollback segment exceeds the
hard limit. It cannot be brought online for writing.
Action: Drop and recreate the rollback segment.
ORA-01573: shutting
down instance, no further change allowed
Cause: Some process tries to make changes while the db is being
Action: None
ORA-01574: maximum
number of concurrent transactions exceeded
Cause: the limit on the number of concurrent transactions has
been hit
Action: shutdown the system, increase the INIT.ORA parameter
'transactions' , and then restart the system.
ORA-01575: timeout
waiting for space management resource
Cause: failed to acquire necessary resource to do space
Action: Retry the operation.
ORA-01576: The
instance string is
not enabled
Cause: The thread associated with instance is not enabled.
Action: Enable the thread associated with the instance using
ORA-01577: cannot add
log file 'string'
- file already part of database
Cause: During CREATE or ALTER DATABASE, a file being added is
already part of the database.
Action: Use a different file name.
data block corrupted (file # string,
block # string)
Cause: The data block indicated was corrupted, mostly due to
software errors.
Action: Try to restore the segment containing the block
indicated. This may involve dropping the segment and recreating it. If there
is a trace file, report the errors in it to your ORACLE representative.
ORA-01579: write
error occurred during recovery
Cause: A write error occurred during recovery
Action: Consult trace files for the nature of the write error,
and correct error.
ORA-01580: error
creating control backup file string
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to
create a control file backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information
ORA-01581: attempt to
use rollback segment (string)
new extent (string)
which is being allocated
Cause: Undo generated to extend a rollback segment run out of
current undo block space and is attempting to write into the new extent which
has not been completely allocated.
Action: The rollback segment extending will be rollbacked by the
system, no more extension will bepossible untill the next extent is freed up
by rolling back or committing other transactions.
ORA-01582: unable to open control file for backup
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to
open a control file for backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information
ORA-01583: unable to
get block size of control file to be backed up
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to
get the block size of a control file for backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information
ORA-01584: unable to
get file size of control file to be backed up
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to
get the file size of a control file for backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information
ORA-01585: error
identifying backup file string
Cause: An operating system error occurred when attempting to
identify the file to be used for control file backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information
ORA-01586: database
must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open for this operation
Cause: Attempting to DROP DATABASE when the database is not
mounted EXCLUSIVE.
Action: Mount the database in EXCLUSIVE mode.
ORA-01588: must use
RESETLOGS option for database open
Cause: An earlier attempt to open the database with the
RESETLOGS option did not complete, or recovery was done with a control file
backup, or a FLASHBACK DATABASE was done.
Action: Use the RESETLOGS option when opening the database.
ORA-01589: must use
RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
Cause: Either incomplete or backup control file recovery has
been performed. After these types of recovery you must specify either the
RESETLOGS option or the NORESETLOGS option to open your database.
Action: Specify the appropriate option.
ORA-01590: number of
segment free list (string)
exceeds maximum of string
Cause: storage parameter FREELIST GROUPS is too large.
Action: Reduce storage parameters FREELIST GROUPS
ORA-01591: lock held
by in-doubt distributed transaction string
Cause: Trying to access resource that is locked by a dead
two-phase commit transaction that is in prepared state.
Action: DBA should query the pending_trans$ and related tables,
and attempt to repair network connection(s) to coordinator and commit point.
If timely repair is not possible, DBA should contact DBA at commit point if
known or end user for correct outcome, or use heuristic default if given to
issue a heuristic commit or abort command to finalize the local portion of
the distributed transaction.
ORA-01592: error
converting Version 7 rollback segment (string)
to Oracle 8 format
Cause: Look at the accompanying internal error; Version 7
database may not have shutdown cleanly.
Action: Investigate the internal error; may have to reload the
Version 7 database (from backup) and shutdown the database cleanly.
ORA-01593: rollback
segment optimal size (string blks) is smaller than
the computed initial size (string blks)
Cause: Specified OPTIMAL size is smaller than the cumulative
size of the initial extents during create rollback segment.
Action: Specify a larger OPTIMAL size.
ORA-01594: attempt to
wrap into rollback segment (string)
extent (string)
which is being freed
Cause: Undo generated to free a rollback segment extent is
attempting to write into the same extent due to small extents and/or too many
extents to free
Action: The rollback segment shrinking will be rollbacked by the
system; increase the optimal size of the rollback segment.
ORA-01595: error
freeing extent (string)
of rollback segment (string))
Cause: Some error occurred while freeing inactive rollback
segment extents.
Action: Investigate the accompanying error.
ORA-01596: cannot
specify system in string parameter
Cause: The system rollback segment is specified in the INIT.ORA
parameter referred to in the error message
Action: change the INIT.ORA parameter
ORA-01597: cannot
alter system rollback segment online or offline
Cause: Tried to online or offline the system rollback segment
Action: None
ORA-01598: rollback
segment 'string'
is not online
Cause: Could have been taken offline before by DBA or cleaned up
by SMON.
Action: Check the status of rollback segment in undo$ or
dba_rollback_segs to make sure the rollback segment is actually online.
ORA-01599: failed to
acquire rollback segment (string),
cache space is full
Cause: the amount statically allocated is not enough based on
max_rollback_segments parameter.
Action: For now take another rollback segment offline or increase
the parameter max_rollback_segments